Preparation of planning and study documentation and Preliminary Design for the Adriatic-Ionian motorway on the part through BiH (Počitelj - Neum-Trebinje - border with Montenegro)
Planning documentation for the Adriatic-Ionic Highway through BiH is first document of its kind to thoroughly study possibilities of this important transport corridor implementation in BiH.
Consisting of multiple project parts, with completely new methodology applied, this this document should result in complex study whose aim is to achieve best cost/benefit/ecology/environment solution.
First steps of this project were focused on available spatial plans and studies comparison with detailed Restrictions map with accompanying textual analysis. All of it was a good start for Technical analysis of possible solutions for Adriatic-Ionic highway corridor placement.
After Technical analysis finalization, possible solutions are developed through Detailed design.
Importance of the project beside its technical and engineering complexity, rely on analysis of different planning solutions from even different countries, were final accepted solution should reflect best planning strategic, engineering environmental and political possibility.
Cost benefit analysis provided for different solutions, detailed analysis, comparison, on field work and constant communication with stakeholders, as well with local communities, witness for complexity of the project/study, and once again show first of its kind approach of IPSA INSTITUT in various fields.
The services included the preparation of the following documentation:
- Technical study (1: 25000)
- Analysis of the existing spatial planning documentation (1: 25000)
- Preliminary environmental impact study
- Variant conceptual solutions of the route-variant (1: 5000)
- Multicriterial analysis of variant conceptual solutions
- Traffic study
- Conceptual design (1: 5000, 1: 2500)
- Preliminary feasibility study
- Project presentation with visualization.