Wind Farm Ivovik (84MW)
IPSA INSTITUTE is engaged by the contracting authority VE IVOVIK d.o.o. for the purpose of supervising the execution of works on the construction of wind farm Ivovik – Livno. The estimated value of the investment is €120 million.
Project characteristics:
The Ivovik wind farm project is located east of the city of Livno, about 90 km as the crow flies from the capital Sarajevo.
The project plans the installation of 20 wind generators, with a total installed power of 84MW, one 110kV substation for the needs of the wind power plant, the construction of about 2.2 km of transmission line, access roads, internal roads, crane platforms, etc.
The estimated construction period is 18 months.
Scope of work:
- Assistance to the Employer in managing the Project during the construction period, communication with the contractor on behalf of the client,
- supervising the contractor to complete the work during the construction period,
- technical advice and site inspections,
- review of relevant project documents,
- commissioning and
- underwriting, claims management,
- quality management,
- occupational safety management, etc.

Development of the pre-Feasibility Study & Preliminary Design, Wind Farm Poklecani (132MW)
The National Energy Company is strategically oriented towards the development of electricity production facilities based on renewable energy sources. The company, in their development plans, has identified areas for wind farms and developed an internal feasibility study that has resulted in the identification of 48MW installed power capacity potential.
The company has approached international Financial Institutions to support the project. IFIs asked for independent advisors to develop the preliminary design, conduct a full social and environmental impact assessment for the project, and develop a pre-feasibility study.
As a member of the larger team of experts and consultants formed to develop the pre-feasibility study and preliminary design of the wind farm (48MW) our team has led the project team, supervised all activities, and developed the feasibility study.
As a project manager, we defined the scope of all project pillars. The project team has included international experts with strong experience in the development of the wind farm projects. As a result, based on conducted assessment, wind farm potential has been redefined to 132 MW installed power.
The project has been delivered through an EU funded aid program for infrastructure development, financed by the European Investment Bank (EIB).
Developed Feasibility Study and Conceptual design for the Wind Farm. As a result of the initiative, a wind farm’s installed capacity has been doubled due to improved turbine positioning in a particular area. The following key deliverables were achieved:
- Project Concept Design: Turbines micro locations, Sub stations, wind potential modeling
- Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
- Technical Preliminary design
- Project Financing Strategy
- Financial Projection and modeling
- Project Risk Assessment.
Technical due diligence and revision of the Main Design, Wind Farm Ivan Sedlo (25MW)
IPSA INSTITUTE is engaged for the purpose of auditing investment and technical documentation and feasibility study for wind farm Ivan Sedlo. Our team carried out an audit of the technical part of the documentation.
We have provided an independent technical audit of the Main Project:
- Audit and quality control of the technical design of the turbine foundation,
- Revision of access routes and technical solutions,
- Audit and quality control of grounding, cabling and all electrical projects (substations),
- Impact assessment on the environment and society.
Project characteristics:
The wind farm Ivan Sedlo is the project developed as a private initiative. The project is situated on a hilly terrain, the elevation is around 1.100 – 1.530m above sea level, and it is in the central area of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Based on the collected wind information, the future wind park has been designed.
Wind park Ivan Sedlo will be developed as a wind park with 5 x 5,0 MW. The connection to the grid is limited to a maximum 25MW and Suzlon Wind Energy BH d.o.o. (the final user of the wind farm) is in the process of signing a grid connection agreement with the local grid operator, Elektro prijenos BiH.
The project design and feasibility study have been prepared by third parties, and we have been invited to evaluate the technical part of the project.
Our team has conducted technical due diligence.
We have provided independent technical due diligence on the project’s main design. The following key deliverables were achieved:
- Revision and quality control of the turbines’ foundational technical design,
- Revision of the access road routes and technical design,
- Revision and quality control of the grounding, cabling, and all electrical designs (substation),
- Environmental and Social Impact Assessment.

Main Design Wind Farm Grebak (66MW)
IPSA INSTITUTE is engaged by the contracting authority Grebak Ltd. for the purpose of preparation of the Main Design of The Grebak Wind Farm,
Project characteristics:
The wind farm Grebak is located in the Herzegovina region of Bosnia and Herzegovina, close to the town of Nevesinje. The project has been initiated by a private investor, and a preliminary design has been prepared. As a technology partner, Siemens Gamesa has been selected.
Based on collected wind information over a one-year period, it has been decided to construct a wind farm with 66 MW of installed power. The planned turbines are Siemens Gamesa.
The main task was to prepare the Grebak wind farm’s main design.
Technical documentation included implementation of geological investigation works, preparation of the main design for mast foundations, the main design of the substation, the main design for all electrical works, the main design for access roads, grounding, and all other technical descriptions required by different institutions to obtain a construction permit.
With the engineering consulting partner, we have provided the main design.
The following key deliverables were achieved:
- Turbines’ foundational technical design,
- Access roads routs and technical design,
- The grounding, cabling, and all electrical designs (substation),
- Revision of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment,
Main Design, Wind Farm Kostolac (66MW)
The National Energy Company of the Republic of Serbia, EPS, has initiated development of the wind farm Kostolac in 2017. Based on an international tender, Siemens Gamesa has been selected as a technology partner.
According to the feasibility study, the Kostolac wind power plant will have a total of 20 wind turbines. Planed wind turbine generators are SWT-3.3MW installed power and 114m high. The total wind farm capacity is 66 MW.
Our team will conduct geotechnical works and will prepare the main design and detailed design necessary for construction works.
The project is scheduled to be completed in 2023/24.
Our team will support the Client in the project’s implementation. The Main and detailed designs will be prepared for turbine foundations, access roads, grounding, cabling, and substations.

Main Design, Wind Farm Podveležje (48MW)
The National Energy Company has a strategic target to add to their production capacities energy produced from renewable energy sources. The first wind farm project has been identified in the Herzegovina area. The technology partner is Siemens Gamesa.
The wind power plant Podvelezje is located on the Podvelezje plateau, about 10 miles east of Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Based on collected wind data and terrain assessment, a total of 15 wind turbines with an individual capacity of 3.2MW have been selected. The total wind farm capacity is 48MW.
All wind turbines have a shallow foundation with a circular section of 18.6m. The height of the column from the top of the foundation to the center of the rotor is 92.5m, whereas the diameter of the rotor is 113m.
Our team prepared the main design and detailed designs that supported the construction works, and in the final stage, we prepared the as-built design.
Our team was engaged in BOP – Balance of plant- the construction of public road upgrades, site compounds and temporary office facilities, site roads, crane hard stands, and wind turbine foundations.
All site management has been covered by our team.
Our team has supported the Client in the project’s implementation. The following key deliverables were achieved:
- All main and detailed design work has been completed for smooth project implementation and construction of the wind farms,
- An as-built design has been prepared,
- All necessary access road upgrades have been designed,
- Works supervision,
- The project has been completed within the budget and time schedule.